Kunyi's Blog

Exploring the World of Guice Binding

Google Guice is a popular dependency injection framework for Java that makes it easy to manage the relationships between objects in your application. Guice allows you to declare the dependencies be...

How To Mount NVMe SSDs on EC2 instances

Situations exist when disk storage is not enough on instances. To expand storage, you have to either upgrade EC2 instance type or add SSD storages. Today, I will introduce how you can mount SSDs on...

Getting it Right Between EC2, Fargate and Lambda

There are 3 different types of compute services provided by AWS: EC2, ECS Fargate and Lambda. They could be confusing at the beginning if you do not know their differences and how they work. I have...

An Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Service(AWS) is the most popular cloud provider service nowadays. As a software engineer in Amazon, I use AWS everyday. There are hundreds of services provided by AWS, but most of them a...

An Amazing Road Trip from San Francisco to San Diego

This blog records one of my favourite road trips in US, which is from San Francisco to Los Angeles, and then to my destination: San Diego. This road trip happened in Jan 2020 when my family visited...

Design Pattern - Factory

What is Factory Design Pattern? Factory design pattern is one of the creational design pattern, which benefits the process of instantiation of objects. While using Factory design pattern, you need...

Design Pattern - Singleton

What is Singleton design pattern? In a previous blog post, I introduced Builder design pattern. Today, let’s learn another design pattern: Singleton. Both Singleton and Builder are considered Creat...

Make Bash Terminal Prettier

The default bash terminal that comes with Mac system is Terminal. It is okay to use it. However, if you spend a lot of time in a terminal, I highly recommend you make your terminal prettier by just...

Why Cloud?

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing services(aka. Cloud services) are infrastructure, platforms, or software that are hosted by third party providers and made available to users through the in...

Design Pattern - Builder

What is Builder Design Pattern? Design patterns represent the best practice when you code in object-oriented programming. There are multiple design patterns. In this blog, we focus on one of them:...